Thursday, June 4, 2020

Online Class | Week 2 | Day 5 | Possessive Pronouns

Like yesterday, today's class started a bit late as the teacher waited for other students to come in to Zoom. When all the students are in, the teacher lead the class in prayer and greeted everyone 'Good morning!'. I once again heard the rooster sounding off from other participant's audio.

The class officially started with a lively song to pump up the kids. 

Then the teacher reviewed the students with last session's topic, Pronoun. They also checked their homework which I forgot to attend to. I had to scramble a bit to open the word document and had my kid answer his homework, which he was able to finish quickly.

Their main topic today was about Possessive Pronouns.

My, Mine
His, Her,
Their, Theirs
Your, Yours

The students were taught how to properly use possessive pronouns and after which they had a short activity where they have to identify which possessive pronoun to use in each sentence.

Online classes will not be complete without technical errors. When the teacher's Zoom account experienced an issue and was dropped from the session, the students just simply carried on, it's like a new world has presented itself, suddenly it got loud and noisy when the students started talking all at the same time, making funny sounds and saying whatever comes to mind. When the teacher got back online, they continued with the activity and wrapped up.

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